I have done write to nice Mr. Sheridan of the Hope radio tonight for he did have the interview of asylum refugges seekers

Hello and dear evenings to Mr. Sheridan tonight.

I am writing for disagree with the lady Rosemary of the refugees. I do not think that we should be taking as many refugees and asylum seekers as there are good laws and processes in of place for legal people of immigration. I do think that the some of people are in the real do of need for asylum but that is only small minority and others who are not in the real need of asylum should be treated as the criminal which they are for trying to be enter illegal.

I am previously from the Russia and am now proud citizen of the lovely Australia which is country of much wonderful and it was of very easy to be doing travel in the ways of legal and am now the proud citizen for doing of the travel and immigration in ways of legal.

Please be having the lovely night and weeks.

From Maritz

Ms. Maritzkrozlavsky Throrglasnishozly