Dear to hello and the goodly evenings to all of do read.

I am much happy this evening time for do watch of the Swiftings doing play in the Netballs on the tevlevisions against other team the Mystics from North. It is always the much wonderful to do of see the watch of the Swiftings on tevelelvision and I am also think it very of good to be do see the teams have handshake of before game does do of start.

On weekend I did do go to the Newcastle of the North and was doing vist to Mrs. Brianna of the penpal who did do of having me stayings for weekend time and we did do of go to football of the Newcastles on Sunday which was much lovely.

On day Saturday in morning times I did do turn on and off of tevelevision and did do of see the shows of much not on and was almost to do turning off when did do find show of giant possum named Mr. Possum and lovely lady Mrs. Maddie who was also doing on tevelivisions with Mr. Possum and was very good and wonderful show which I am did do of enjoyment and did do send of emails to show today of when back home at from the Newcastles.

Tonight after Netballing I am to go to work for doing trains of new lady of the answering of tephelephones and as I am having been of the do for some much time but am doing have troubles of understanding on tephelphone when does do of ring as some people are doing speakly much of fast and not the clearly. New lady will be do take over of answersings which is very much wonderful as I have do do of enjoyment but can not be do continue for the difficulties and Mrs. Boss has been much lovely and nice to have new lady of do start.

Mr. Boss of previous is now also the back now to country of permanent and has done do of ask if I can be do to the gradenings job of part time and also Mrs. Boss would like me to be of the do of the cleanings which I am did do much wonderfully in times and jobs of previous and is much wonderful to be of the do of this again and I have do do of dustings in the nightly time when tephelpepephone calls are not do of happen.

Mrs. Brianna of the penpal will do of receive letter again in later this week and is much wonderful for Mrs. Porrit f the English teachings to have done do arrange the penpal for doing help with of the Englishes and Mrs. Brianna is lovely lady.

I am to soon go back to of Russia on of Thursday for doing visit to Mother Of Russia for the Eastings and will be of the cheeses giving to pet mouse Squeelivich who is mouse of wonderful and has been doing growings tail of recent.

Please be having nice lovely.

From Maritz
Ms. Maritzkrozlavsky Throrglasnishozly